How did it feel? 
Are you different? 

Do you see the things we cannot?
Did the lights blind you in the rush?
Were you awash with streams of vision? 

I’ll accompany you
Now and again.
If you let me, 
I’ll be the escort...

The dim admission 
to what was left in your wake.

a contemporary ballet commissioned by ballet kelowna 2021



Kirsten Wicklund is a Canadian Choreographer based in Vancouver, BC

She began her career with The Washington Ballet, Alonzo King's Choreographic Workshop, and became a full time artist at Ballet BC in 2014. Kirsten has danced works by Medhi Walerski, William Forsythe, Jorma Elo, Emily Molnar, Crystal Pite, Ohad Naharin, Sharon Eyal + Gai Behar, Adi Salant, Aszure Barton, Wen Wei Wang, Cayetano Soto, Serge Bennathan, Jacopo Godani, Walter Mateini, and Lesley Telford

Kirsten has choreographed independent works for Ballet Kelowna, Dances for a Small Stage, the Dance Deck, Arts Umbrella, Goh Ballet, Lamon Dance, Dancing on the Edge Festival, the UBC Choir, Joshua Beamish's MOVE: the company, and Ballet BC's Choreographic Lab 2021.

Kirsten was awarded the 2020 Choreographic Award at the YAGP Finals.